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How Many Solar Panels Are to Charge The BMW Electric Car?


How Many Solar Panels Are to Charge The BMW Electric Car?

EnergySage suggests a BMW typically needs 6 to 10 solar panels for charging. However, the exact number varies based on factors like battery capacity, usage habits, and solar panel efficiency. Factors like geographical location and technological advancements can also influence panel requirements for efficient EV charging.

As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) and solar energy rises, a growing number of EV owners are exploring eco-friendly methods to power both their homes and cars. Solar power stands as a particularly enticing investment, offering dual benefits by harnessing two technologies simultaneously—solar-powered homes and electric vehicles.

SolarEdge’s single-phase EV charging inverter empowers homeowners to harness solar power directly for their electric vehicles, maximizing solar energy utilization and slashing electricity bills. This innovation allows EVs to charge up to 2.5 times faster than traditional chargers through a cutting-edge solar boost mode, leveraging both grid and PV charging simultaneously.

How Many Solar Panels Are You Need To Charge The BMW Electric Car?

An average home solar panel setup comprising 8 to 12 panels can generate sufficient electricity to charge an electric car partially. This translates to free fuel for everyday local driving, offering a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for daily commutes within town or nearby areas.

By opting for this EV charging inverter, homeowners enjoy streamlined installation without the need for separate setups of a standalone EV charger and a PV inverter. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with the SolarEdge monitoring platform, providing comprehensive oversight of both solar generation and EV charging activities for enhanced control and efficiency.

How much energy does it take to charge an EV?

A BMW Electric Car requires an average of 9.69 kWh of daily electricity to charge its battery. Next, let’s see how many solar panels it takes to generate 9.69 kWh of electricity per day. To fulfill our daily requirement of 9.96 kWh of electricity for charging, we must determine the number of solar panels necessary to generate this power.

The capacity of a single solar panel to produce electricity per day relies on its wattage and the duration of daylight received. This figure varies, but the calculation method is simple.

  • Hours of daylight per day x wattage = Watt-hours per day
  • 4.5 hours of sun per day x 360 Watts = 1,620 Watts per day, or 1.62 kWh per day
  • 9.69 kWh per day / 1.62 kWh per panel per day = 5.98 panels

To fulfill our daily electricity requirement of 9.96 kWh for charging purposes, let’s reverse-engineer the process and compute the necessary quantity of solar panels to generate this power.

Initially, it’s crucial to determine the daily energy yield of an individual solar panel. This value hinges on various factors, including the panel’s wattage and daily sunlight exposure. However, the fundamental formula remains straightforward to grasp.

Considering that partial panels aren’t feasible, rounding up indicates the need for six 360-watt panels, each receiving 4.5 hours of sunlight daily, to charge a Tesla Model Y traveling 37 miles per day.

System Size Required

1. Determine your typical daily electricity usage based on your electricity bill.

2. Calculate your average daily mileage for your vehicle.

3. Compute the estimated daily electricity demand in kilowatt-hours (kWh) for your vehicle.

4. Multiply the daily kWh requirement by 365 days and divide the result by 1000 to ascertain the recommended size of the PV (photovoltaic) system needed.

Cost of solar EV charging versus other fueling options

Miles per unit of fuel3.33 miles per kWh3.33 miles per kWh3.33 miles per kWh30 miles per gallon
Distance per year13,476 miles*13,476 miles13,476 miles13,476 miles
Fuel per year4,047 kWh4,047 kWh4,047 kWh450 gallons
Cost of fuel per unit$0.08 per kWh$0.166 per kWh$0.40 per kWh$3.96 per gallon
Total fuel cost per year$323.75$671.77$1,618.40$1,777.04

An Example

Let’s take the BMW i3 as an example, equipped with a 33 kWh battery.

The primary consideration revolves around the energy output of a single solar panel. Luckily, a direct solar panel size calculation isn’t necessary, given that standard panels typically yield about 30 kWh of power over a month, assuming favorable weather conditions. This translates to roughly 1 kWh per day. To match your car’s 24-hour charging needs, approximately 33 panels would be required.

Yet, the likelihood of covering 81 miles in a day is relatively low, with most drivers averaging around 37 miles. To meet this daily requirement of 10-12 kWh, roughly equating to 10-12 panels, would suffice for charging your vehicle adequately.

Higher-grade solar panel systems would demand fewer panels to generate the same 10-12 kWh of electricity. Similarly, if your average daily drive is even shorter, the required number of panels decreases accordingly.

Typically, the range of solar panels needed for charging A BMW Electric Car falls between 6 and 12, proving more than adequate for covering usual travel distances.

External elements like sunlight availability and varying weather conditions also play a pivotal role in determining the optimal number of panels needed.

Benefits of using solar panel To Charge The BMW Electric Car

Solar panels can provide several benefits for charging a BMW electric car, including:

Cost Savings: Solar panels help save on electricity bills by harnessing free, renewable energy from the sun to charge BMW electric cars.

Environmental Impact

Solar panel charging reduces carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment and combating climate change.

Energy Independence

By relying on solar power, users reduce dependence on fossil fuels and conventional electricity grids.

Long-Term Savings

Investing in solar panels offers long-term financial benefits by offsetting traditional energy costs.


Solar panels offer convenient charging solutions, especially in areas with ample sunlight, providing an alternative to public charging stations.

Off-Grid Charging

Users can charge BMW electric cars off-grid, which is ideal for remote locations or during emergencies.


Solar panels require minimal maintenance, providing hassle-free charging for electric vehicles.


Harnessing solar energy aligns with sustainability goals, promoting eco-friendly transportation solutions.

Increased Property Value

Installing solar panels can enhance property value, making it an attractive investment.

Tax Incentives

Many regions offer tax incentives or rebates for installing solar panels, making it a cost-effective choice.


Solar panels can be installed on rooftops, carports, or in standalone configurations, adapting to various settings.

Reduced Grid Strain

Solar panel charging eases the strain on local electricity grids, especially during peak hours.

Emergency Power Supply

During power outages, solar-charged BMW electric cars can serve as emergency power sources for homes.

Technological Advancements

Advancements in solar technology continue to improve efficiency and charging capabilities.

Public Image

Embracing solar-powered solutions enhances an individual or company’s sustainability image and commitment to green initiatives.

Remote Monitoring

Many solar panel systems offer remote monitoring, allowing users to track energy production and usage conveniently.

Battery Storage Integration

Solar panels can be combined with battery storage systems, enabling efficient energy storage for later use.


Solar-charged BMW electric cars offer independence from grid fluctuations or blackouts, ensuring continuous power availability.

Low Operating Costs

Solar panels have minimal operating costs once installed, requiring only occasional cleaning and maintenance.

Reduction in Noise Pollution

Compared to traditional generators, solar panel charging for BMW electric cars operates silently, reducing noise pollution.

Job Creation

The growing solar industry fosters job creation in installation, maintenance, and solar technology development.


Solar panels can be integrated into innovative designs and structures, showcasing architectural and design flexibility.

Community Impact

Solar-powered electric cars foster community awareness about renewable energy, encouraging others to adopt sustainable practices.

Emergency Preparedness

Solar panels provide an essential power backup during natural disasters or emergencies.

Educational Opportunities

Solar panel installations offer educational opportunities, promoting understanding and interest in renewable energy among students and communities.

Reduced Transmission Losses

Generating power closer to the point of consumption reduces transmission losses associated with traditional power grids.

Global Impact

The widespread adoption of solar-powered electric cars contributes to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Enhanced Grid Stability

Distributed solar generation improves grid stability by diversifying energy sources and reducing strain during peak demand.

Innovative Financing Options

Various financing options, such as leasing or power purchase agreements, make solar panel installations more accessible.

Incentives for Businesses

Businesses investing in solar panels for electric vehicle charging may qualify for additional incentives and grants.


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